Saturday, March 30, 2013

And Then They Ate…

The beau and I did a pretty fun thing last week—we went to something called a “bridal event.” It was an event targeted toward those brides who have committed (down payment secured) with the caterer. It allowed us to taste appetizers, main entrees, desserts, and my favorite…FREE BOOOZES! OK OK OK. I am back and focused on the event itself. Our caterer is going to be Ritz Charles. I had my reservations on how good the food was going to be to serve approximately 200 of our close family and friends, but this event put some concerns to rest and raised others.

I am not a chocolate fan, but it was a cute touch.
The food itself was halfway decent. I think we have one of our four appetizers. I am not going to tell you until after the event. I want those reading this post who will be at our event to be impressed with the food (and presentation). It is safe to say that the beau and I agreed on one. Although we sampled three…we agreed on one. I see that I have a long road ahead of me, but that is another post. As far as the main entrees goes, I am glad that we will have multiple items to choose from. What they gave us that evening was not so hot. We agreed that of the seven, we enjoyed one and could tolerate another. So…we have room to make on that! The drinks were standard, but the red wines were quite delicious! I don’t think people really care about the liquor unless they pay for it (at least my friends don’t—that is why I call them friends), and that is the beauty of having an open bar. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

'He looks like he's on meth!' Backlash over Arizona State University's 'Disneyfied' mascot makeover

Arizona State University has outraged its students and alumni after it redesigned its beloved mascot, with some claiming the new 'Sparky' looks 'like he's on meth' and resembles a 'child-molesting Burger King.'
ASU unveiled the updated version of the mascot - designed by Disney - a week ago but the backlash has been overwhelming.
Two Facebook pages, a student-generated YouTube video and an online petition have been created, demanding ASU bring the old Sparky back or alumni say they'll withhold donations to the school.
Before and after: Arizona State University has outraged its students and alumni after it resigned its beloved mascot, 'Sparky', pictured before, left, and after, rightBefore and after: Arizona State University has outraged its students and alumni after it resigned its beloved mascot, 'Sparky', pictured before, left, and after, right

U of I Students Back Illiniwek in Campus Vote

U of I Students Back Illiniwek in Campus Vote

He may not be coming back, but it is clear Chief Illiniwek still has strong support among University of Illinois students.

Almost 80 percent of the more than 11,500 students who voted in a recent campus referendum said they believed the American Indian mascot should be the symbol of the university's Urbana-Champaign campus.

The ballot results were released Wednesday after a delay caused by a student court review of a related student mascot-design competition, The News-Gazette reported.

The university dropped the Chief mascot in 2007 under pressure from the NCAA. Opponents argued the mascot demeaned American Indians. Supporters maintain Illiniwek is a respectful symbol.

University leaders have said the Chief mascot costumes isn't coming back. The mascot-design competition isn't sanctioned by the university.

The university still plays "Three-in-One," music to which the Chief traditionally danced, and a student wearing a Chief Illiniwek costume sometimes appears in the crowd -- without university approval.

FEATURE: The RinRin Doll Interview!

Originally hailing from sunny Southern California, RinRin Doll is an American who now models Lolita clothing and j-fashion deep in the heart of Harajuku, Tokyo. Most associated with the brand Angelic Pretty, she also models for the Alice Age web store, and is a fixture in magazines like KERA. RinRin was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to sit down for an interview about Lolita fashion, life in Japan, and how to figure out if you are wearing your pants on backwards during a photo shoot (hint: check the label). Enjoy!

Crunchyroll News: How did you first get exposed to Lolita fashion?
Rin Rin: I was first exposed to it when I was in high school. My friend went to Japan and brought back one of the Gothic Lolita magazines to give to me as a souvenir. I looked at it and thought, “Oh my goodness, they all look like dolls!” (laughs). But I was actually more attracted to the Punk and Goth styles.
How did you wind up becoming a Lolita fashion model?
When I was living in LA, (Japan-based Lolita brand)  Angelic Pretty wanted to do a fashion show at the Pacific Media Expo convention. They were looking for local models because they weren’t able to bring models from Japan.  A friend of mine, who was an organizer for the event, submitted me without saying anything to me first about it (laughs). But I went along and was chosen!  When I met the owner of Angelic Pretty, I asked them if they would be coming back to the US soon, and we started talking. She said that if I ever went to Japan, she would use me as a model.
And you just followed through…
Yes, I went to Japan on a study abroad program and I contacted Angelic Pretty and said, “I’m here!” and the owner said, “Ok! Come and work for us!” So that’s what happened. I’ve been in Japan about 3 years now.
Ok, can you describe what a working on a photo shoot is like?
For  Angelic Pretty shoots, we just go in, take the photos, and then leave right away. Everything is well planned and scheduled beforehand. You’re not taking a ton of pictures and you’re only doing a couple of outfits. Each shoot is about 5-6 hours max, not including hair and makeup time.
For a catalog site, like Alice Age and Mansaiya, it’s a full day and it feels like 100 outfit changes! There are usually 2 or 3 models per shoot, so when one model goes out, that’s when you touch up your makeup, change your clothes, and get everything ready. You have 1-2 minutes before you’re out again. There are no instructions. The photographer just goes “click click click!”  You go in for one minute, spin spin spin, pose pose pose and then you’re out. And then you throw on another outfit and go back in. The lunch break is only about 5-10 minutes. We work from the morning to the last train. Everything is very efficient. You just do your thing. You know what you’re supposed to do and you try to not be the one who trips up and stops the process. That’s really stressful.
For example?
One time, I wore my pants backwards! I already did my whole shoot for that set and only when I went back to the changing room to put on another top did I realize that my pants were on backwards. Usually there’s someone who checks for that sort of thing, but nobody knew what was the front and what was the back. But… I found the label in the front. Things like that happen...(laughs)
So what is your daily life like? I just imagine you having tea and eating macarons all the time…
I wish! Actually, I can’t resist macarons. It’s so stereotypical, but it’s true…the last time I passed by a macaron shop, I completely gave in and had to buy something. But yes, I work every day. It can be really stressful. Even on weekends there are no days off. I leave my house around 7am and I don’t come home until the last train. I sometimes force myself to take a day off to just sit at home and rest.
What are some of the challenges involved in maintaining that kind of schedule?
As a model, I think the hardest part for me is keeping up with my social networking sites:  my facebook, my blog, my twitter, my instagram, etc. I’ve been working hard recently to keep them up. Every now and then I fall into a slump and everything goes quiet and I have to get my motivation back up.
I think you must have a big reach since you post in both Japanese and English. There aren’t many Lolita models that do that.
I thought that blogging in English would help everyone cross that barrier. People in the modeling world here aren’t that unreachable. I remember how I felt back in LA when I first started getting into Lolita dresses fashion. You’d see the models, you’d see their blogs online, but they felt really untouchable; really far, far, away and perfect in every way. But it’s really only the language barrier that keeps you from finding out what they were writing about on their blogs. They actually write very personal and emotional things.
And now some of those people are your friends. What do Lolita models do for fun?
We go to lives (concerts), cafes, karaoke, shopping, dinner, walk around...
What’s it been like adapting to life in Japan in general?
It’s a lot of hard work. You have to have your life together. Being a gaikokujin (foreign national) you really have to be careful about your visa, your working status, everything. You always need to be on top of that.
Do people even realize that you’re not actually a Japanese citizen?
Sometimes I will go for a job and talk for a while and then I’ll say, “Sorry if my Japanese is terrible.” and they’ll say “Oh What? You’re not Japanese? Where are you from?” I don’t know if they are just being nice and complimenting my Japanese or if it really is a big shock. But I don’t think it makes a difference either way. (laughs) It does make a great conversation starter; it breaks the ice to make a fun working atmosphere.
Do you miss America at all?
Yes, of course!  My whole family and most of my friends are back at home, but I do get to visit them on holidays so it helps a lot.
Do you plan to stay in Japan for the long term?
Right now, I don’t know. I want to see where everything goes.
Ok, so to ask a big question…why Lolita fashion? What is it about this style that attracts you?
Personally for me growing up, I didn’t wear a lot of dresses. But now, I get to be really, really girly. (laughs) I don’t really know what else to say! Getting the chance to be “kawaii” and living in a kind of dream world is really appealing. I don’t know why. Maybe ask me in another year or two. (laughs) With some people, I’d say they are meant to wear it. It really matches them and everything fits: their image, the way they live, everything just fits. But there are other models who just treat it as another style that they wear and model for.
How do you think Japanese Lolita compare to American Lolita?
With Japanese Lolitas, there is this trend to pair or to be twins; to wear completely the same outfit...maybe in a different color sometimes, but the same clothes, accessories, everything down to the last detail is the same. But when I go to the US and do tea parties and shows, I see people who are trying to create their own original styles using what they have. That is really interesting to me. It’s more like an artwork that way. But in Japan, being twins is really, really cute too, so there’s no downside.

hány gól, annyi millió

Blue Shiny Metallic Front Zipper Zentai Catsuit



Ősszel az Újpest hazai pályán úgy győzte le a Ferencvárost, hogy a győztes gólt Bavon Tshibuabua a 90+4. percben szerezte. A múlt kísértett a vasárnapi Üllői úti visszavágón, az NB I 19. fordulójának legpatinásabb rangadóját ugyanis hasonló módon nyerte meg a Fradi. Az Albert-stadion búcsúztatóján (ami a magyar viszonyokat ismerve lehet, nem is volt búcsúmérkőzés) telt ház várta a két csapatot, nem maradt el a szokásos verekedés, könnygáz-bevetés, zászlóégetés, görögtűz és a játékosok megdobálása sem.

Somalia ballábas bombagóljával a Fradi szerzett vezetést, számos helyzetet kihagyott, de a szünet után egy szép kontrából Kabát Péter egyenlített. Amikor mindenki a lefújást várta, akkor jött Vladan Čukić, aki a 90+3. percben egy újabb nagy lövéssel győzelemhez segítette a Fradit.

Kubatov Gábor, az FTC elnöke szokásos Facebook-bejegyzésében csak ennyit írt: „Végre egy sima meccs!”

De a felek érthetetlen módon teljesen ellentétesen látták a meccset. Julian Jenner szerint a helyzetek alapján a Fradinak már az első félidőben ki kellett volna végeznie ellenfelét. „Játszottam már néhány nagy meccsen, de ilyen atmoszférában még sosem. Hihetetlen élmény volt ez a meccs, sosem fogom elfelejteni”– tette hozzá. Kabát szerint a döntetlen lett volna az igazságos: „A Ferencváros semmivel sem volt jobb nálunk, csak két jól eltalált lövéssel nyert.”

Na igen, néha ennyi is elég a sikerhez.

A rangadó egyébként nem maradt utóhatás nélkül, a felek annyi milliót fizethetnek, ahány gólt szereztek. A Fradit két-, az Újpestet egymillió forintra büntette meg az MLSZ pirotechnikai eszközök használata, rasszista megnyilvánulás, illetve különböző rendbontások miatt. Jova Levente pólóra írt gusztustalan üzenete ugyanakkor megtorlatlan maradt.

A listavezető Győr a Kaposvár után a Siófok ellen is szenvedve nyert 2:1-re, szombaton Kecskeméten ennél jobb teljesítmény kell majd.

A Debrecen 4:1-re verte a Pécs csapatát, és a papírforma szerint Pápán is esélyes lesz a három pont megszerzésére. A címvédőnél most Adamo Coulibaly miatt áll a bál, aki azt mondta, a klubtulajdonos utasítására nem léphet pályára, tartoznak neki kéthavi fizetéssel, és nem érti, miért szórakoznak vele. Kondás Elemér válasza csak annyi volt: „Coulibalynak nem tartozunk és nem is tartoztunk soha. Azért nem játszik, mert nagy gond van a hozzáállásával.”

A Videoton Kispest után az Eger váci albérletében is 4:0-ra nyert, a mutatott játék eredménye az lett, a mindkét találkozón eredményes fiatal Kovács István meghívást kapott Egervári Sándortól a válogatottba a románok és törökök elleni soron következő vb-selejtezőre. Juhász Roland azonban kimaradt, persze nem is tehet mást a kapitány, amikor az Anderlechttől hazatért középső védőt egy percet nem játszatta még José Gomes. A zentai Nemanja Nikolić mellőzése pedig továbbra is a magyar futball legnagyobb talánya.

Ha élne még a szép hagyomány, akkor a hétvégén akár kettős rangadó is lehetne a Puskás-stadionban: a Honvéd ugyanis a Ferencvárost fogadja, míg az MTK Újpestre látogat. A papírforma vendéggyőzelmeket ígér, de azért ne rohanjunk fejvesztve a fogadóirodákba. Hiszen mi várható például egy olyan Honvédtől, amelyik az otthoni, Videoton elleni 4:0-s vereség után 3:0-ra veri idegenben azt a Paksot, amely egy héttel korábban hatot lőtt az Újpestnek?!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Huszonöt konténer jön haza a magyarok bagláni táborából

Black And Silver Shiny Metallic Superhero Costume

Mintegy 25 konténernyi szakanyagot hoznak haza a magyar Tartományi Újjáépítési Csoport (PRT) Afganisztánból való kivonulásával - közölte a Honvédelmi Minisztérium vasárnap az MTI-vel közleményben.


Magyarország 2006 óta működtet tartományi újjáépítési csoportot az Afganisztán északi részén fekvő Baglán tartományban. A magyar vezetésű PRT ez év tavaszán fejezi be a feladatát, a Magyar Honvédség kivonja e kontingensét Baglán tartományból. Ezzel egy időben Magyarország a tartományi fejlesztési tevékenységét is befejezi Afganisztánban.


MTI Fotó: Koszticsák Szilárd

A HM közleménye szerint Domján László vezérőrnagy, a Magyar Honvédség Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság (MH ÖHP) parancsnoka az MH Tartományi Újjáépítési Csoport (MH PRT) tevékenységét lezáró ünnepi eseményt követően - folytatva afganisztáni körútját - meglátogatta a honvédség Kabulba és Mazari-Sarifba települt katonai kontingenseit, ahol tájékozódott az aktuális feladatokról és találkozott az ott szolgáló állománnyal is.

A magyar katonai kontingensek logisztikai ellátását biztosító - Mazari-Sarifba és Kabulba települt - Magyar Honvédség Nemzeti Támogató Elem 6. váltásának parancsnoka, Zentai László ezredes, a PRT kivonásával kapcsolatos feladatokról az ÖHP parancsnoknak elmondta, hogy a Tartományi Újjáépítési Csoporttól csaknem 40 konténernyi szakanyagot hoznak el, s ebből mintegy 25 konténert szállítanak majd Magyarországra. A PRT által használt eszközök és járművek egy részét az Afganisztánban tevékenykedő magyar kontingensekhez csoportosítják át, míg a hadszíntéri segélyként az amerikai partnertől kapott technika egy részét visszaadják az amerikai hadseregnek - tájékoztatta az ezredes Domján Lászlót.

A Magyar Honvédség legnagyobb létszámú missziós szerepvállalása a kabuli repülőtér védelmét ellátó mintegy 230 fős MH Kabuli Nemzetközi Repülőtér Őr- és Biztosító Kontingens. Benda László ezredes, kontingensparancsok tájékoztatása szerint a magyar katonák a feladatátvétel után átalakították a repülőtér védelmét, amely ezáltal sokkal biztonságosabbá vált. A magyar katonák a marseille-i reptér forgalmához hasonló kabuli légikikötő katonai részének zavartalan működéséért és a reptér területének kerítésen belüli védelméért felelnek.

A NATO ENSZ BT mandátum alapján indult műveletben jelenleg 50 ország több mint 100 ezer katonája szolgál a NATO Nemzetközi Biztonsági és Együttműködő Erők (ISAF) kötelékében. Afganisztán továbbra is a NATO első számú missziója. A Magyar Honvédség mintegy 1000 katonával vesz részt nemzetközi béketámogató műveletekben, amelyből több mint 530 állomásozik Afganisztánban, összesen 8 kontingensben.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DressesPro Launches in Stock Prom Dresses 2013 Collection in Feb

Retro A-line Floor-length One Shoulder Sleeveless Chiffon Evening Dresses

Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/18/2013 -- Today,, a leading women’s on line dress store, launches its in stock prom dresses 2013 collection to boost sales in February. According to David Stevenson, marketing manager of, all the dresses in this dress collection are ready to ship to all over the world at affordable price.


There are total 22 items styles in this collection, which covers may styles of prom dresses, including long prom dresses, short prom dresses, mermaid cheap prom dresses etc. The ultimate goal of is to provide stylish prom dresses at affordable prices.


“We launch this promotion to pay tribute to our loyal customers, and all our dresses are available now with a great discount, some gorgeous prom dresses even starts at 82 pounds. For those who want to cheap prom dresses. It is really a good chance.” said, David Stevenson, “With so many fancy, fashion-forward and contemporary styles to choose from, let’s say goodbye to the stuffy and old fashioned looks.”


With the rapid development of the E-commerce, people have access to thousands of cheap prom dresses, evening gowns, bridesmaid dresses, cocktail dresses, etc. Many of them are overwhelmed by so much information, they do not know which is worth the money they paid for. DressesPro has been doing the on line dress business since 2007, it has vowed to spare no energy to provide a wide range of women’s dresses for costumers as well as fast delivery. James Gordon, CEO of Sogadress.comemphasizes, “Our in stock prom dresses come in various silhouettes, necklines, and colors, no matter what you preferences are, being it stylish or old fashioned, customers can always find their ideal one. If our customers have difficulties deciding on their prom dresses, they can refer to our fashion blog and get inspired.”


About DressesPro offers extensive and fashionable collections of cheap prom dresses, cocktail dress as well as other special-occasion dresses at comparatively low prices, and its products include prom dresses, cocktail dresses, bridesmaid dresses, etc. They are devoted to providing their best service and the fast delivery to their customers.

Casino proposal: CNE Association warns MGM to stop using Ex images to promote its ‘resort’ project

2nd Version Donald Duck Couple Mascot Adult Costume

2nd Version Purple Daisy Duck Mascot Costume

The Canadian National Exhibition Association has told a casino company to stop using the CNE’s name and its signature gate in promotional materials.

In a cease-and-desist letter sent Tuesday, association president Brian Ashton told MGM Resorts and Canadian partner Cadillac Fairview they infringed on the association’s intellectual property rights by using an image of the trademarked Princes’ Gates and the trademarked letters CNE in “various publications,” including a two-page ad that ran in the Star and other newspapers on the weekend.

The association is staunchly opposed to a casino at Exhibition Place. Ashton also objected to a promise in the ad to sponsor and to help improve the 18-day annual fair.

“It concerns the CNEA that the unauthorized use of its images and official marks by MGM/Cadillac Fairview will mislead the public into the mistaken belief that the CNEA is actually part of your proposal or that, at a minimum, the CNEA supports the proposal,” Ashton wrote.

Ashton said the association’s official marks “may” also include “the images of costume characters including our mascot costume ‘Al-Ex.’” He threatened “further communication or action from our legal counsel” if MGM and Cadillac Fairview did not comply.

MGM spokesperson Alan Feldman said in a statement that the companies will “carefully review” the letter and “respond if necessary.”

“We have consistently stated that our vision for an integrated resort on Exhibition Place is subject to the city's approval, and if such approval is granted, we will work with all stakeholders to preserve and enhance the existing uses. We look forward to working with all of those that want to turn Exhibition Place and Ontario Place into iconic tourist destinations that Torontonians can be proud of,” Feldman wrote.

Kutyasétáltatás csakis pórázzal!

Blue Lycra Spandex Ninja Zentai Suit

Back Zipper Full Body Lycra Spandex Unisex Zentai Suit

A zentai önkormányzat a közelmúltban figyelmeztető táblákat helyezett el, amelyeken arra hívja föl a lakosság figyelmét, hogy kutyáikat pórázon kötelesek sétáltatni. A városháza kommunális ügyekért felelős osztályán ennek kapcsán elmondták, hogy az erről szóló rendeletet már három évvel ezelőtt meghozták, csak az utóbbi időszakban elszaporodott lakossági panaszok miatt döntöttek úgy, hogy figyelmeztető táblákat helyeznek el elsősorban azokon a területeken, ahol sok ember fordul meg. 

A rendelet többek között azt is előírja, hogy a házi kedvenceinket kizárólag az erre kijelölt helyeken lehet sétáltatni, illetve a pórázról elengedni, de a helyszíneket meghatározó terv kidolgozása még folyamatban van – nyilatkozták az illetékesek. 
A figyelmeztetéseket egyébként a városi parkban, a Zoran Đinđić sétányon és a Népkertben helyezték ki. Egyedül a rakpartra nem kerültek ki ilyen táblák, de ez még nem jelenti azt, hogy itt póráz nélkül sétáltathatók a kutyák – közölték a kommunális osztályon. A rendelet egyébként azt is előírja, hogy az 55 centiméternél magasabb kutyáknak szájkosarat is viselniük kell. A rendelet betartását ellenőrizni is fogják. A kommunális osztályon arra is figyelmeztettek, hogy a közterületre sétálni kivitt kutyák be kell hogy legyenek oltva a veszettség ellen, s megfelelő chippel is rendelkezniük kell 

YWCA of Bethlehem seeks dresses for Prom Dress Day

Black Cap Sleeves Bow Lace Cotton Lolita Dress Lolita clothes

Black Cake Wrapped Chest Lolita Dresses

The YWCA of Bethlehem is collecting prom dresses for its annual Prom Dress Day event.


The organization is collecting gently-used prom dresses and accessories through Thursday for the event, which will be held March 23 at the State Theatre in Easton.


The event alleviates the financial hardship of prom for local high school girls. Admission to Prom Dress Day is $5 per student plus one female guest. The YWCA in years past has collected hundreds of lolita prom dresses in a variety of colors and sizes.


Dresses can be dropped off through Thursday at the YWCA’s executive offices at 3893 Adler Place Building B, Suite 180, in Hanover Township between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.


The Prom Dress Day runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 23 at the State Theatre, 453 Northampton St., in Easton.


The YWCA also is seeking volunteers to set up the dresses March 22 and to assist in the sale March 23. For more information, contact Amber Mirza at 610-867-4669 ext. 104.

Latest A-line Style Wedding Gowns 2013

	A-line Halter Short/ Mini Taffeta Wedding Dress 

	 A-line Strapless Chapel Train Satin Wedding Dress With Embroidery 

Latest A-line style wedding gowns 2013 is leading the bridal sensation list we show you the latest A-line wedding gown 2013 spectacular for the wedding bridals. Our newly unconstrained collection for latest A-line wedding gowns 2013 classification is an seamless example of the whole fashion elements of 2013 wedding dresses. Whether you like similar to modern, stylish or beautiful, your heart will always be accentuated with sufficient.

Vancouver Giants rookie defenceman Arvin Atwal is both a fighter and a dancer

Green Cute Android  Mascot Fancy Party Costume

Android Robot Plush costume Mascot

When it comes to comparing Arvin Atwal to Vancouver Canucks players, you see some Kevin Bieksa and, when the mood apparently suits him, a little of mascot costumes Fin.


Atwal, 17, has been one of those silver linings in this gloomy Vancouver Giants’ campaign.

A 6-foot, 195-pound right-handed defenceman, Atwal has the vision and booming shot to quarterback the power play for stints, and he also has the size and edgy demeanour to be a physical force in pursuit of the puck.

To boot, he’s a guy who stands up for his teammates.

He has seven fighting majors in a mere 27 games, and the majority have revolved around coming to the aid of a fellow Vancouver player.

One might argue that he’s had more daring “team-first” moments.

Specifically, last April, he filled in as Jack The Giant, pulling on the stuffed costume for a few hours at the Surrey Vaisakhi Parade.

He even busted out some of his moves from his time Bhangra dancing. He had done that for seven years before stopping to focus on hockey.

“I was like, ‘Hey, I’m a great dancer and I love kids. I could do this,’” the North Delta native recalled on Tuesday. “I did three hours, but I could have done it all day long.

“If I got asked again, I’d probably do it.”

Giants fans will undoubtedly want him to attend such events as himself.

Atwal has been playing top-four minutes with Vancouver in the past few weeks, after being promoted from the Junior B North Delta Devils in late December.

In the last 11 games, he has two goals and eight points, to go with a plus-four rating, helping last-place Vancouver to a 5-4-0-2 run in that time.

In his abbreviated season, he has three goals, 11 points and an even rating, an especially telling stat for a Vancouver team that has given up 97 more goals than it has scored on its way to a 19-46-2-0 record.

The hope had been that he would play with the Giants all season, but he had shoulder surgery in the summer and he wasn’t ready for the WHL rigours when the campaign kicked off.

He had looked to some like a throw-in for the Giants in their October 2011 trade with the Prince Albert Raiders, but Vancouver brass knew the Raiders’ 2010 eighth-round bantam pick well, since he had spent two years in the South Delta Secondary hockey academy, which is run by Giants strength and conditioning coach Ian Gallagher.

“Just being close to someone in the organization really helped,” Atwal said of joining the Giants.

The key guy for Vancouver in that trade was supposed to be a 19-year-old forward Austin Connor, but he opted to retire rather than report, and Vancouver received a 2013 fourth-round bantam pick instead.

Defenceman Tyler Hart and forward Teal Burns, both now 20, went to the Raiders in return and they’re both finishing off their eligibility in Junior A this season.

With the way Atwal is trending, it’s certainly a different-looking trade now.

“He’s confident with the puck,” Giants forward Dalton Sward, 19, said. “He tries moves that I wouldn’t try in practice.

“And, coming into the year, I didn’t see the guy as a fighter, but he’s fought some pretty tough guys and done pretty well.

“Everyone has their own way of creating energy for the team, and that’s one of his ways.”

Oddly enough, Atwal didn’t have a single bout in Junior B, where he put up five goals and 17 points in 22 games.

“I’m not trying to be a fighter,” he said. “I don’t want to be just a fighter. I want to be a complete player. I want people to know I won’t turn away when something happens.”

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Hello everyone! How's your weekend guys? As for me, just got our internet connection back today. We have no connection since yesterday hence the reason of not doing post. Still, it's not a reason not to catch-up with my backlogs right? hihi.. Just wait. I still need to call Globe CS for an adjustment.:)
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